Thursday 17 December 2009

Pretty error messages using locales

Default error messages are a set of concatenated strings all lumped together. This is great as a bare-bones set of errors, but does lead to clunky, unhelpful phrases such as 'Email is invalid'.

While technically correct, this can be a bit confronting, and doesn't explain to a user what they can do to fix it. After all, we already know that it's in our best interests to be nice to our users and get them up to speed with a minimum of fuss. Our error messages would be much nicer if we could use plain English and actually explain what a user can do to fix the situation. eg 'Please enter a value for Email that is longer than 5 characters. It should have an @ in it and make sure that you haven't accidentally used a comma instead of a dot'. That's not only nice and friendly - but means a user knows exactly what to do to check if they've got it right, instead of just getting frustrated.

So, how do we go about being nice to our users?

Adam Hooper has written a great article on using full sentences in validation messages. His reasoning is based on Il8n requirements which aren't necessarily everybody's cup of tea... but it's not just useful for that. It also gives us an easy way to make our error messages pretty.

The quickie version (for people that don't care about Il8n) is outlined below.

Create the locale file

All your error messages will go into the file: config/locales/en.yml.

Type in your alternative error messages in exactly the format you'd like them to appear to the user. There are special patterns that you can use to match the attributes of the error - the two main ones being the attribute name (which is substituted wherever you put {{attribute}}, or the required length of a field eg when used in validates_length of (which is substituted for {{count}}) . Here's an example of some of the more common Active Record errors rebuilt in this way:

        # Default messages: so we have complete sentences
        confirmation: "{{attribute}} doesn't match the confirmation. Please retype them and make sure they match."
        accepted: "Please read and accept {{attribute}} before continuing"
        empty: "Please enter a value for {{attribute}}"
        blank: "Please enter a value for {{attribute}}"
        too_short: "{{attribute}} is too short (the minimum is {{count}} characters). Please enter a longer one."
        taken: "Your chosen {{attribute}} has already been taken. Please choose another"

Remove any partial-errors in your models

You'll probably find that you've unwittingly entered partial error-strings in your code. eg errors.add :attr_name, 'is bad because blah blah blah'. So your next step is to search for these and turn them into real sentences too, or your error messages will be a bit out of synch. eg:

# instead of
errors.add :region, "should be from your chosen country. Please check it an try again"
# use:
errors.add :region, "The chosen region should be from your chosen country. Please check it an try again"

update the error-box to use only the error message - and not the fieldname

The last step to get your application nice is to stop using the auto-generated error messages, which automatically jam the fieldname up against the now-full-sentence errors. (producing such lovelies as Region The chosen region should be from your chosen country. Please check it an try again :P

This just consists of writing a helper method (or partial) that will take any kind of object and spit out the errors on it however you like. eg

  <div class="errors">
    <% @obj.errors.each do |f,msg| -%> 
      <li> <%= msg %> </li>
    <% end -%>

And technically you're done...

except for shoulda...

As of my writing, Shoulda was not playing nice with locale-based error messages. My fork on git has the fix and I'm sure it'll be pulled into shoulda sometimes soon (let me know if it has!).

To use my branch, you an either vendor a copy of my branch, or add it as a :git => line in your Gemfile.

If you don't use the fix, shoulda will break because should_validate expects all of the old error messages :(

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