Sunday 26 August 2012

Rails: five year plan?

My workplace is putting a tender out to a government body, hoping to secure some work for a big development happening soon.

As part of the tender process, they asked us what is the five-year plan for the development of the Rails platform.

Keeping in mind that 37Signals' approach to planning is "don't - it's all fiction anyway", we still had to provide them with an answer... and this is what I came up with.

Asking for a five year plan is a question with a hidden assumption. What you *really* want to know is:

am I going to get stuck with a dead duck?

I think the nightmare scenario you're trying to avoid is that you'll get maybe 1-2 years down the line, have spent a lot of money on changing your system over to the new-fangled software, only for the Software Vendor to go bankrupt and leave you hanging in the air.

Suddenly you lose any support if things go wrong. Bugs are found, but you've got nobody to call to fix them and you certainly won't be seeing any new features. hackers might find a new security vulnerability and there'll be nobody on the front-line to patch that hole and stop them getting to your protected data.

You're in a bad, bad place.

Thankfully, this scenario can't happen with Ruby on Rails (RoR), due to its Open Source Nature.

RoR was originally developed by a company called 37signals - but unlike a proprietary product, 37signals doesn't own the codebase, because they gave it away to the community.

It takes a little while to wrap your head around how that changes things, and most people will instinctively think that this means less accountability, less power and less security - when actually the opposite is true... so bear with me as I compare this situation against what you might be used to with a proprietary vendor such as Microsoft's .Net

Microsoft own .Net they also keep all the code locked away so you can't see it and don't really know what goes on under the hood. They make all the design decisions, but they also make all the decisions about what gets fixed and when.

So, if you spot a bug in the code - you have to go ask Microsoft (nicely, and generally after waiting a long time on hold) to please fix it for you... If they say yes - it goes onto the end of a very long support queue for their team of developers to prioritise against all the other features and bugs they've had pour in over the last several years. and if they say no - you have no recourse. There's nobody else but Microsoft that can fix it for you.

You can complain about it - which will also get ignored.

If you have an SLA with them you can call and tell them to do it now... which *might* change their mind... but if things go sour - nothing on earth will persuade them to do anything. and your only recourse would be to take them to court...
and of course we all know that if it gets to court you've already both lost, you're just hoping to recoup some of the damages. Better to avoid the whole thing in the first place.

The short answer is that all the power lies in the hands of Microsoft, and you are reduced to a supplicant throwing yourself upon their mercy.

By comparison, RoR presents a very different picture.

As I mentioned before, 37signals doesn't own the code. If you have a copy of Rails, you do, and so do we, and so does everybody else that is using Rails.

This changes everything.

If 37signals goes bankrupt... there is still a huge community of people using (and contributing) to the development of Rails... and even if every single one of them goes bankrupt too - you still have a copy of it yourself. So if you need to fix a bug or patch a security hole - you have the code in your own hands and can do it yourself or get somebody like us to do it for you. Same thing for new features or even just customisations to make it work more like you'd wish it would.

The power-balance is radically different - you are the one with all the control.

Luckily I don't see 37signals going under any time soon. Rails was released in July 2004, and went 1.0 in 2005 and since then it has moved on from being an obscure platform used only by web-geeks and enthusiasts like me, to being enthusiastically embraced by a huge variety of businesses worldwide.

Rails has recently undergone a Major Upgrade with the release of Version 3.0 - totally overhauling and improving the structure of the framework to meet the ever-changing demands of the web world, along with security and performance improvements.

Meanwhile, Rails 2 is still strongly supported by the community - as many businesses are still using it, and it will continue to be supported until there is no-one left using it anymore This stands in stark contrast to the dire fate of obsolete Microsoft platforms - which Microsoft rigorously cuts off after a small number of months, stranding anybody left behind without support - or forcing them to pay huge re-licensing fees to upgrade to the newer version.

Rails is free, including all upgrades to new versions, so you can afford to stay on the bleeding edge as soon as you'd like to.

Even if 37signals drops support for an older version of Rails - the fact that the codebase is out there in the community means it remains alive and supported as long as the community remains. And that community is very big, and very active.

There are roughly 2000 active contributors to the rails-core codebase, including myself, and all of them are herded along by the rails-core team - a set of 12 developers, most of whom are currently employed full-time by 37signals to coordinate contributions.

What this means is that even if all of 37signals were suddenly wiped off the planet by a stray meteorite, there are still 1988 very active developers who are willing and able to continue developing the codebase... and not just minor enhancements and customisations of small side-features either, even my own contribution (while small) was a change to one of the fundamental core classes of Rails. While developers such as Yehuda Katz have overhauled the basic mechanics of the whole system (for the better, of course).
and there's nothing stopping you from making changes like this yourself at any time for the forseeable future - if you ever see a need.
Open Source means it's all available to you, all the time... forever.

Imagine trying to change something fundamental in one of Microsoft's products all by yourself... you wouldn't even get the chance because you don't have access to the code to even look at what's inside.

One final aspect that I'm sure is on your mind is security.

You're probably used to a big vendor taking responsibility for checking that the system is secure from hackers and fixing any security holes as they come up, and are wondering what happens with a scattered base of developers and code.

Again, I'll compare with Microsoft.
They're probably one of the biggest vendors on the planet, and they make a big noise about how secure their code is... and yet every week or two we hear about a new virus or worm exploiting a vulnerability in Windows.
Big Vendors make a big noise - but they actually can't guarantee security, however much they'd like you to think so.

So what can you get?

You can get an active community of developers continually testing the software for vulnerabilities and being responsive and timely in fixing any newfound holes.

and RoR has that in spades.

In fact, it's much better at it than an in-house development team like Microsoft. The reason being that shift in power-balance I mentioned earlier, coupled with the wider community base.

If a security hole is pointed out to Microsoft, it goes into the queue and *eventually* one of their developers gets a chance to look at it. Maybe it's fixed, or maybe Microsoft decides it's not important enough to fix because it's only affecting one customer so it's not worth their while... of course if that customer is you, then this decision is catastrophic, but given that Microsoft has all the power - there's nothing you can do about it.

With RoR, however, the power is all in your hands. You submit the bug-report to the community and chances are, somebody else is either experiencing the problem or also concerned about it affecting them. Given the size of the community, this means there's ten times the number of people available to fix the problem as with the in-house Microsoft developers team - and many of them are personally motivated to get the bug fixed because it affects their business too.

But even if nobody else in the world is affected by this but you - you can still get it fixed yourself - because you have the codebase, and you have access to developers that can get it done.
Something you simply can't do with proprietary code.

Far more likely, though, is that if you have a problem - then everybody else does too, so you announce the problem to the community, who picks it up and gets it solved and submits it back to the community for everybody to share... including you.

Sure, you don't have one company to smack with a stick if something doesn't get done... but you will actually find that you'll never be in that position in the first place - because there's always a better alternative.

and don't forget that with a bigger community - that's more people to find and fix bugs and security holes - before you even got to Rails in the first place. The Rails community has more collective eyeballs on the code than Microsoft can employ, and more eyeballs means more bugs spotted and therefore fixed.

So as a quick comparison:

Vendor-owned proprietary system: RoR and Open Source approach:
- they choose when you upgrade
- restricted backwards compatibility
- you *must* upgrade or lose the software
- you are free to upgrade when you want *if* you want
- it costs you nothing when you want to upgrade - you can afford to be on the bleeding edge
- support continues as long as people are using it
- or you can pay somebody to fix it for you whenever
They keep all the power
- bugs and holes are fixed when they want (or not at all) according to their own profitability
- features are only added if they think they can make a profit out of it
You have all the power
- bugs and holes are fixed by the community when they need fixing
- features are added on the fly by anybody that wants/needs them - you can add them yourself if you like
- only a few people get to look at the code, which means only a few people get to check that it works correctly. holes are more likely to be found by exploiters than by developers which means the first you hear of it is when somebody hacks your system
- holes are fixed if the vendor has time and only if they think it's worth the money they spend on it
Security through openness
- a hundred thousand eyeballs on the code means security holes are more likely to be spotted by developers and fixed before they even become a problem
- holes are fixed as soon as they become a problem - because the people fixing them are the people that are affected by the problem that are actually concerned about security rather than just the profitability.
The software lives and dies with the vendor Even if the vendor dies, the community lives on and therefore so does the code. So you never get stuck with a dead duck.


Josh said...

Hi, great post! I think you forgot one thing, though, which is that companies who are wary of open source often don't understand it. It sounds to them like anyone anywhere can submit anything into the code they're using. It would probably be worth explaining how the process works so that they don't think hackers can just inject malicious code at will into code they're downloading.

Taryn East said...

Yes, that's a good point.

In this case, there's a good description of what Open Source is all about elsewhere in the tender - so that's covered, but it is indeed important to get across that we don't just suck in anybody's code from anywhere.

We're also helped by the fact that there's actually a government directive telling them to consider Open Source Software where possible.... which is nice. :)